Best ways to save and restore documents

2.6K Organizing files can be a pain, especially when you have so many papers and folders sprawled out on your desk. However, you can make your life a lot easier by keeping your documents digitally organized and restored. It’s easier to search through files when they’re saved digitally because digital files can be organized, indexed, and searched using various tools and software. Furthermore, digital files are typically stored on computers, in the cloud, or on hard drives, which reduces the risk of misplacing or losing track of them. Unlike physical documents, which can be easily misplaced, damaged, or destroyed, digital files can be backed up and replicated to prevent loss. This provides a level of security and peace of mind in knowing that your documents are safely stored and easily accessible.

Be sure to use an external hard drive

I make sure to keep all my files on an external hard drive, which I secure safely in my home. This way, in case anything goes wrong with any of the other online sites I use for storing, I’ll always have my hard drive there to give me the files and documents I need. You should also make sure to back up your files to another location, such as the cloud or another device, in case your hard drive fails or gets lost. You should also test your backups periodically to make sure they are working properly and can be restored if needed. Click here to learn which devices to back up your data to:

Just remember, those important documents like your birth certificate or Social Security Card should never be kept online. Keep those locked away in a safe.

Best ways to save and restore documents

Here are my picks for the best apps to save and restore your documents on.

1. Google Docs

A Cloud service is especially useful when you’re away from home and need access to certain documents. I don’t trust every Cloud service, however. For example, Google Docs is not my favorite Cloud source for storing my documents. The big tech behemoth is notorious for harvesting your data every chance they get. However, I know a lot of people are big fans of Google Docs, so I’m still going to show you how to use it. It’s perfectly ok if you want to use it; it’s just not my personal preference. Google Docs is free to use, and if you log in with a free Google account, you can keep track of all of your documents and organize them in any way you like.

Locating Google Docs